Monday, 12 September 2011

English Resistance

English Resistance is a working class patriotic movement, which intends to apply a new purist approach to the defence and salvation of England and our English way of life. In the UK, as soon as working class movements achieve recognition they are pounced upon and their core support, the working class rank and file are abandoned. English Resistance will be a working class movement run by the working class for the working class.

We intend to form a credible, non-reactionary and most importantly effective opposition to the enemies of the English people, using traditional English guile rather than brute force, and with a defined strategy and goals.
The biggest enemy of the English is the apathy of our own people. We aim and are working to obtain a certain level of funding to enable us to prove to England's common people that we can be effective and achieve results and give them back their voice. We aim to re-politicise the English working class, encourage them to vote again, while at the same time appealing to those who still retain principles in politics. We will target politicians who we do not consider conducive to the best interests of this country and democratically endeavour to get them unelected.
We intend to shake the establishment so they realise they need to offer us dialogue, giving the English working class a voice and a say in our future. We realise that this will not be achieved overnight, those who seek to oppress us have had 40 years head start. We believe wholeheartedly, however, that this can be achieved and achieved quickly given the right approach.

This is not another patriotic splinter group, we will not trespass onto the territory of others because we intend to be innovative, rather than predictable like other groups have become. Any action we take will be peaceful, legal and have quantifiable results; we will not put people up there for the sake of it. Most of our work will be methodical; possibly not as exciting as standing in protests baiting our enemies or wasting the time of our police force, but it will be effective.

Thank you for your time and God Save the Queen.


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