Wednesday 9 November 2011

Social Networking and English Resistance.

Since one of the principal aims of English Resistance is to promote democracy and improve the lot of the average man or woman in the street, we will inevitably at some point come into ideological conflict with the existing power structure. By way of shutting down one of the lines of attack most commonly used by the political/media elite we would like to point out unequivocally that English Resistance does not and never will have a presence on Facebook or any other social networking site.
Quite simply, if you come across such a site, it is guaranteed to be a fake.
Thank you.
English Resistance.

Tales From the Seaside. (Part 1)

    The longest-established taxi firm in Blackpool is called Streamline. They've been around forever, almost as long as the internal-combustion engine and since long before the days of radios. Streamline used to have call-boxes at various locations. The phone would ring, the driver of the first taxi on the rank would take the call and go to wherever his services were required.
    Time went on and the major political parties began holding their annual conferences in Blackpool. With the politicians came the media. Television people famously like to have a drink or two, so they tend to use taxis. Independent Television News (ITN) entered into a contract with Streamline Taxis, whereby their personnel would be driven to the places they needed to be and would sign a docket for the fare. The account would be settled at the end of the conference.
    One day, one of Streamline's taxi-drivers received a call to pick up Julie Hall, who was then ITN’s chief political correspondent, from the Winter Gardens and take her to Liverpool. Julie got into the front of the taxi, a Nissan Bluebird. She was accompanied by two Labour MPs (We'll call them Knowsley North and Knowsley South, for argument's sake) who climbed into the back.
    On the day in question, Ron Todd, the head of the Transport and General Workers Union had made a speech to conference, saying that he didn’t agree with the Labour party leadership's stance on unilateral disarmament. Obviously the party had to do some damage limitation and pretty-damned-quick.
    On the way to Liverpool, Julie lent her mobile phone (a rarity, in those days) to one of the MPs and he phoned somebody and arranged for the camera crew, which was following  the taxi to ‘doorstep’ the person he was talking to. The person in question, a lady, was to act as a local resident and was told what to say.
    The driver was then instructed to drive to Halewood Labour club. Halewood was the nearest place to Blackpool that had a large concentration of TGWU members, as the Ford plant used to be there.
    Julie Hall worked the room, bought drinks for the people she needed to. She actually tried to pay with a credit card. In a working-men's club, in the eighties. The taxi-driver had to lend her £50 to save her embarrassment.
    Then, Julie carried out a “vox pop” (in no sense of the expression that you would recognise, since the “pop” had been hand-picked and the “vox” was pure Labour party)
Julie got a load of TGWU members (plus the lady that had earlier been 'door-stepped' as a local resident) to disagree with Todd and imply that he was a lone voice in the wilderness and when it didn’t suit the Labour leadership, the block vote meant nothing.
    At the end of the filming, they had one of those (then) new-fangled signs which were used to advertise bingo and so forth, in flashing lights. It had 'You're All Wrong, Ron', programmed into it and all of Julie's fed-and-watered, 'union members' raised their glasses and cheered.
This item, which, make no mistake, was a Party Political Broadcast, went out on News at Ten, the same night. Yep. News at Ten. The flagship of ITN (the 'I' stands for 'Independent', don't forget.)
The taxi-driver got to appear on the program and managed to get a shot of his taxi, bearing Streamline's phone number, on there.
    You may wonder what would make a highly respected political reporter like Julie Hall sell out the good name of ITN. What was her price? That all became clear at the start of the ’92 election campaign, when Neil Kinnock introduced to the world his new press secretary, the lovely Miss Julie Hall.
    As things turned out, Julie backed the wrong horse because Kinnock managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but if he had won, as everyone assumed he would, she would have been as rich as Alistair Campbell is now.
    At the time, this story was brought to the attention of all of the mainstream media, every newspaper, the BBC, even the fearless 'Private Eye'. Their silence was deafening. None of them would touch it with a barge-pole. It seems clear that our current crop of politicians and the media are all the same breed. They won’t grass one of their own, in case they’re next.

To paraphrase Hank Williams: "Friends, this story is true. Because that taxi-driver was me."

I won't patronise you, the way Julie and the MPs patronised me. Google is your friend. Check it all out. If any part of my story doesn't hold up, then go back to voting the way you always have.
Clearly the political/media elite, this greasy collusion between our elected leaders and the opinion-formers is not a new thing.
We, as a matter of urgency, need to make it a thing of the past.
Thank you.
English Resistance.

Monday 7 November 2011

A modern Britain where failure is rewarded

News broke last week that UK Border Agency staff, the people we trust to protect our national borders, had been instructed to suspend checks on the passports of people from EU and non-EU countries entering the country through airports and sea ports.
These claims raised understandable fears that foreign criminals and terrorists could have been allowed to enter the country unchecked.
The scandal has rocked yet another government which had promised to protect our borders and cut immigration. People see unemployment rising, jobs being lost on an almost daily basis, they see a lack of affordable housing and yet still more and more people are seemingly entering the country, a lot of them  now it would seem totally unchecked.
Brodie Clark, the £135,000 a year head of UKBA's Border Force was last week suspended with two of his senior officials over the decision to relax checks on non-Europeans. A Home Office statement said: 'Brodie Clark is alleged to have authorised UKBA officials to abandon biometric checks on non-EEA [European Economic Area] nationals, the verification of the fingerprints of non-EEA nationals and Warnings Index checks on adults at Calais.' According to  Clark, who the Daily Mail claimed has a £1.4million pension pot, he was initially offered the chance to retire, but this offer was rescinded by the Home Office to prevent him receiving a further payout.
Brodie Clark,...... Brodie Clark.  That name might ring a bell for a very good reason.

Allow us to take you back to 1994, the armed excape from maximum security HMP Whitemoor of five IRA terrorists and an armed robber. With two guns which had been smuggled into the prison, Peter Sherry, 39, one of the Brighton bombers, fellow IRA men Paul Magee, Liam McCotter, Gilbert McNamee (linked to 1982 Hyde Park atrocity) and Liam O'Dwyer, and Andrew Russell, 32, an armed robber, scaled the prison walls using knotted sheets.
  A guard was shot and wounded during the escape, but the prisoners were captured after being chased across fields by guards and the police. 
Following the escape bid, the Home Office launched an enquiry to ascertain  how at least two guns and what police described as 'a device' got inside the Cambridgeshire prison and whether lax security was a factor.
Whitemoor was intended as a flagship modern prison when it opened in 1991. Half of the prison contained sex offenders, including serial killer Denis Neilsen, the other half contained IRA prisoners, armed robbers and drug dealers. 
In 1993 a senior manager at the prison, Lynne Bowles, warned that criminals who were intimidating staff with violence and threats of violence were still being 'pampered' with privileges.That December, prisoners said to be drunk on homemade hooch, smashed up the prison and started a series of small fires in five hours of mayhem at the jail. A subsequent report by the prison's Board of Visitors warned that the staff at the prison were in danger of losing control.
Following the 1994 attempted escape by the IRA terrorists, the prison's governor, Brodie Clark (Aha! That's where we know the name from!) refused to reign. 
A subsequent report by Sir John Woodcock found that Whitemoor was a prison where the 'tail wagged the dog' and where prisoners were pampered and staff were intimidated and bizarrely 'confused'.  Sir John said that Governors appeared to have washed their hands of the Special Secure Unit. where the IRA men escaped from.  He added that there were two underlying beliefs that set the scene for the escape, one that the unit was escape-proof and the other a fear of a riot. Officers were also threatened by inmates and this facilitated a regime of non-confrontation where the prisoners were able to push the boundaries of acceptable practice. Sir John said that 'a lack of positive leadership produced the conditioning that led to the inept practices'.
Security surrounding prison visits was unbelievably lax, the report added, there had been a decision to suspend rub down searches, because of the complaint of one female visitor to the unit. It says the searches were suspended, despite warnings about the risks. Sir John said that the suspension of these searches was the 'foundation of more to follow'.

Clark has been in the UK Border Agency since 2003, where initially he had responsibility for the Immigration Service before his current role. Prior to this his career had been in the UK Prison Service, where his final two board-level positions had been as Director of the High Security Estate and Director of Security. Brodie was even awarded a CBE in the 2010 New Year's Honours List, presumably for his work in aiding escaping prisoners or dissolving what was left of our national boundaries.
We live in a Britain where failures like Brodie prosper. He looks the part, like your typical EU/Common Purpose drone. I dare say he speaks their lingo, makes the right noises, therefore little mistakes such as allowing dangerous criminals and terrorists walk out of high security prisons are easily overlooked. Let's face it have you seen any of the established media making the connection between the Whitemoor escape and the current state of affairs at the Border Agency? No and I doubt if you will either. This is because they are  complicit in engineering chaos. They offer idiots like Clark, push them forward because they want our society to fail. People like Clark, and there are many more like him still in positions of power, the inept drones, brainwashed with management speak and Common Purpose platitudes are the tools of the political classes. One of their ruses to hide the social change they are forcing on all of us has come to light, but Clark will be discarded and another inept drone will take his place,
This is modern Britain, where failure is rewarded, they don't seek to govern us in the national interest anymore, they have another agenda totally to the rest of us, and we believe that Brodie Clark's CV is testament to that.....

Thank you
English Resistance.
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